Food Amazon
Wealth of ingredients gives a special touch to the export of Amazonian cuisine around the world

Tucupi, açaí, jambu and flour are some of the striking elements of the Amazonian flavors

Tucupi, açaí, jambu, cupuaçu, flour, tapioca, herbs and various seasonings… An endless wealth of flavors and unique, typical and unique ingredients. In addition to the natural beauties, the Amazon region is now increasingly recognized worldwide for harboring a rich cuisine, which features a taste very different from anything that can be found in the rest of the planet. Renowned chefs around the world already enjoy the best of the Amazon in their gastronomic creations.
Mas a história de sucesso dos sabores da floresta é longa e, em determinado momento, contou com alguns passos decisivos para alcançar novos horizontes e visibilidade.
Even in 1926, sociologist Gilberto Freyre, renowned author of Casa-Grande e Senzala, already mentioned in his “Regionalist Manifesto” chestnuts, soups, and açaí in the “rich variety of delicacies” in the extreme north of the country. A remarkable interpreter of Brazil, for him, food and his way of making it said a lot about the identity of Brazilians and the formation of national society.
When describing these delicacies in a mouth-licking tone, Freyre already defended that they should be added, “with their own colors, to the map that is organized of the variations of table, dessert and tray” of Brazil.

“A verdade é que o homem não vive só de espírito: vive também de pão. alimentação, nutrição”, argumentou Freyre. “Há comidas que não são as mesmas comidas compradas nas bandejas que as feitas em casa. Peixe frito, por exemplo, só é diversão feito na bandeja. Tapioca molhada, comida de rua e servida na folha de bananeira é a mais saborosa”, ele ficou encantado. o sociólogo em seu manifesto.

Elisa Vaz / O Liberal

Food Amazon
Amazon cuisine around the world
An enthusiast of Amazonian cuisine

"I believe that cuisine is the most important link between nature and culture."

Alex Atala


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"Man's relationship with food needs to be reviewed. We need to bring knowledge closer to eating, the eating of cooking, the cooking of producing, the production of nature; act throughout the value chain, with the aim of strengthening the territories from its biodiversity, agrodiversity and sociodiversity, to guarantee food good for everyone and for the environment".
Alex Atala

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